
The Municipal Department of Regional City Halls, through its autarchy, Serviço Funerário Municipal, is in charge of the maintenance and operation of the funeral services in São Paulo City. The entity currently manages and operates 22 cemeteries – approximately 3.3 million m2 of total area and 330,000 cemetery plots –, 9 funeral houses, and 1 crematorium. It also regulates 21 private cemeteries located in the city.

São Paulo has about 75,000 deaths per year, with funeral costs varying between 800 and 25,000 reais for burials, and 1,000 reais for cremation. It’s an extremely necessary public service that needs to be improved to provide a better quality of services, with technological advances that can adapt to the changing demands of the service and can serve users better.

For questions: smdp@prefeitura.sp.gov.br