Sao Paulo promotes “Clean Virada Cultural”

The non stop 24 hour 2011 Virada Cultural that took place last wekend with more than one thousand free attractions throughout Sao Paulo downtown gained an extra cleaning aid with a recycling project called No Waste.

During the event, Sao Paulo City Hall and Secretary of Services

promoted people’s awareness about the importance of waste management, including the support of two cooperatives from reusable materials.

Sao Paulo Virada Cultural has already inspired another cities to promote the same type of event such as Rio de Janeiro and Santiago, in Chile. From last weekend’s sustainable practices, Sao Paulo City Hall aims to raise the attention in other cities as a commitment to environment.

As C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group member and host of the 2011 edition from May 31st and June 3rd, Sao Paulo searches to promote effective actions in tackling climate change and also to share experiences within the participating cities.


The effort of 120 people from two cooperatives partnered with Secretary of Services guaranteed collecting and separation of the materials. The estimation of the total collected is 15 tons only from recycled waste that could generate an increase of 15% at workers monthly income which is R$ 800,00 (Brazilian Reais).

To facilitate the identification of these workers, they had green lime uniforms and were spreaded throughout downtown collecting recycling waste and taking all material to one of the base support, located in strategic sites. Citizens collaboration were fundamental by throwing plastic bottles, metal cans, and glass in the right disposable places or handling to one of the collecting workers.

The Secretary of Services also provided six trucks to transport all collected material to two separation centers.

Virada with no waste

Virada Cultural Sao Paulo had a special logistic to collect and treat waste from the event. In this past edition 3,300 people worked in the waste collecting and handling during the event. City Hall provided 4,900 new garbage disposable cans, in addition to ones already installed in the area of the event.