C40 pre-event talks about health and climate change

To prepare Sao Paulo for C40 Summit, which will take place in the city from May 31st to June 3rd, the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, with the support of Sao Paulo City Hall, promoted on April 9 and 10 a workshop about Climate and Health in the Large Cities

The goal of the event was to elaborate a Recommendation Letter in Health that will be presented during the C40 Summit.

The event was coordinated by Professor Paulo Saldiva, MD from University of São Paulo and discussed the relationship between human health and living in the megacities. Attendees included Health researchers as well as engineers, Chemistry professionals and lawyers. The document created during the workshop will present practices that benefit both climate and human health improvement.

About C40

The C40 Large Cities Climate Summit is a conference that brings together every two years mayors from all over the world to discuss actions and practices in combating climate change. It was created in 2005 in London and its main goal is to deliver international cooperation between large cities to reduce greenhouse gas emission and to promote best practices between public and private institutions in tackling global warming. Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, is the chair of C40 since last November.