Executive Director of C40 comes to Sao Paulo

Simon Reddy, executive-director of C40 - Large Cities Climate Leadership Group, will come to Sao Paulo to organize the 2011 edition of the international Mayor Summit which will take place in the city between May 31st and June 3rd

Mr. Reddy will also validate a new subject for the event. For the first time in C40 summits, the Sao Paulo event will discuss the impacts of climate change in public health.

At the workshop organized by School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo, health professionals and researchers will elaborate a Recommendation Letter on the correlation between Public Health and Climate Change, to be presented during the C40 Sao Paulo Summit.

About Simon Reddy

Since 2007, Simon is the Executive Director of C40. Prior to that, he worked 15 years for Greenpeace UK and Greenpeace International, representing non-profit organizations at international summits.

About C40

The C40 Climate Leadership Group was created in 2005 in London to discuss global warming and climate change, in an international effort between public and private initiatives to cooperate for the reducing of GHG climate emissions. The fourth edition of the Summit takes place in Sao Paulo from May 31st to June 3rd, for the first time in Latin America. The previous editions took place at London in 2005, New York in 2007 and Seoul in 2009. Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City is the chair of C40 since last November.