Biofuel is the main alternative to improve the air quality

The so-called green diesel is composed by 10% of renewable diesel and 90% of commercial diesel oil

Sao Paulo is now testing the biodiesel bus. This cleaner fuel is a mix between diesel and biodiesel extracted from sugar cane and it has been developed by Amyris Brasil. The so-called green diesel is composed by 10% of renewable diesel and 90% of commercial diesel oil. According to the producers, this mix will result in a 10% fuel saving, as well as in a reduction of 35% regarding the green house gases emission.

Besides that, SPTrans has been reorganizing the transport system by optimizing the fleet use in order to increase its speed and decrease the fuel’s consumption.

Another important factor is the renovation of the fleet, once older buses are being withdrawn from transportation system and new, technologically more advanced, and less gas emitter ones are being included. Considering the 15 thousands vehicles from the fleet, 9.100 (60%) are new. These new collective vehicles have reduced the carbon monoxide emission, as shown by the average taxes measured.

All the collective urban transportation buses from the capital are submitted to semiannual inspections which aim to check out their maintenance conditions and smoke emission. Any car reproved in the inspection is not allowed to drive around until the problem is solved. Besides the inspection, all cars are also submitted to the Environmental Vehicular Inspection.