Ayrton Senna tunnel receives LED illumination

New technology should reduce roughly 80% of energy consumption

Through the agreement with the Municipal Secretariat for Service (by the Department of Public Illumination), the AES Eletropaulo is now substituting all the illumination system from the Ayrton Senna tunnel by installing LED lamps. This is the most modern technology for illumination and it allows an 80% reduction in energy consumption. The distributor is investing R$ 6.2 millions through this action. The concessionaire intends to conclude the project until December 25th, 2011 – the date of Sao Paulo’s anniversary.

Ayrton Senna is the first tunnel of Sao Paulo’s metropolitan region to have LED lamps. The energy efficiency project also involves the construction of a new energy supply net for the tunnel’s illumination. This action also aims to prevent the local lamps and cables stealing, in order to minimize the interruptions due to lack of energy. Besides that, the tunnel’s entrance and exit, as well as a monument honoring the pilot, will receive a special illumination, valuing the local architecture.

Nowadays, the Ayrton Senna’s tunnel illumination system, in both ways, is formed roughly by 3,000 projectors of 150, 250, and 400 watts, which are equipped with sodium and vapor lamps.

About AES Eletropaulo

It distributes electric energy to 24 municipalities from São Paulo metropolitan region – including the capital – which, together, host 16.5 million people. The concession area attended by the company covers 4,526 km2 and it concentrates the most important social and economic area in the country, with 6 millions consumer units. Regarding consumption and turnover, AES Eletropaulo is the biggest electric energy distributor from Latin America.