Expo Xangai - Mensagem da ONU

Evento começa no dia 1º de maio

See below the message from Kiyo Akasaka under-secretary-general for communications and public information on the Shanghai world expo 2010 :

World Expositions are the quintessential celebration of humanity in all its richness and diversity. They gather in one place myriad manifestations of the varied cultures and societies that grace our planet, bearing testimony to the great things that humankind is capable of achieving.

World Expositions also provide a perfect forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences, and the chance to direct the international public’s attention to a specific topic of concern. Expo 2010 will be dedicated to the theme “Better City, Better Life.”

The rise of mega cities and the consequences of rapid urbanization are one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. Often, however, our greatest challenges are our greatest opportunities. By creating more livable cities, we will not only be creating better lifestyles for all, but also working to ensure the health of the planet and the wellbeing of future generations.

I am thrilled that Shanghai, China, one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, and a city that has registered such tremendous progress in recent years, will host this great event.

I wholeheartedly encourage all of our partners in the UN System to embrace this amazing and unique opportunity to share with the world the work of the United Nations through our “One Earth, One UN” Pavilion. Let us inspire reflection on concrete ways each and every global citizen can work towards guaranteeing economic and social progress, human rights, and peace.

Millions of visitors from all continents and all walks of life will come to participate in this celebration. They will bring their cameras, their smiles, their curiosity, their enthusiasm – and they will set out to learn and explore. This is an exciting prospect for Expo 2010 visitors – and for the United Nations.

