Expo Xangai - New look for Expo 2010's official Website

Available in four languages - Chinese, English, Japanese and French

The four versions of the World Expo 2010's official Website take a brand-new look today following a user-oriented revamp, which aims to provide better service and information to visitors during the 184-day extravaganza. Visitors to the English version at http://en.expo2010.cn/ will find several new items, including an electronic Expo site map, pavilion archive that involves 260 pavilions, events schedule, and forum preview, among others.

The Website will announce the number of visitors around the clock and list the most popular pavilions based on visitor flow on a daily basis to help people plan their visits. Items have been re-categorized into news, pavilions, events, forums, services and volunteers, and pavilion display, events and forums will take the spotlight. For the service section, site catering, transport, ticketing, shopping, hotel reservations, and weather services are available.

The Expo site map, soon to be online, will help visitors spot each pavilion and plan their tours within the 5.28-square-kilometer area. It will mark restaurants, shops, information centers, medical stations and toilets in the site. It is being created by AutoNavi, a Beijing-based digital map and location-based service provider.

Tencent.com, a senior sponsor of the 2010 event, designed the new versions of the Expo Website. The Internet service portal is also responsible for maintenance of the Website. The Website went online in April, 2000. Shanghai Daily handles the content for the English version. The four versions are Chinese, English, Japanese and French, which will keep almost the same information and style after the revamp.

Souce : Expo 2010 - Editor: Hu Min