Deu na Imprensa - World's mayors tackle climate change on their own

AP - 14/11/2009

Cities consume two-thirds of the world's primary energy and produce more than 70 percent of its energy-related CO2 emissions. Five-day "cities summit" opens Monday to find ways for them to become more climate-friendly.

Copenhagen's lord mayor Ritt Bjerregaard and some 80 other mayors and local officials of USA, Tokyo, Jakarta, Toronto and Hong Kong, have converged on the Danish capital in their own climate and energy summit. They'll compare notes on how cities can combat climate change and save money on energy and other costs. Today's cities and towns consume two-thirds of the world's total primary energy and produce more than 70 percent of its energy-related CO2 emissions, the International Energy Agency reports. That will grow to 76 percent by 2030, the agency says. Most comes from electrifying and heating private, commercial and municipal buildings.

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Source : AP