Mayors close the Copenhagen Climate Summit

Cities are responsible for up to 80 per cent of global CO2 emissions

The Mayor of Toronto and Chair of C40, David Miller, said in his closing speech: “Mayors from cities all over the world gathered here in Copenhagen to show that we are on the frontline of climate change. While climate change demands global action, we have shown that we are not waiting for others to act. In Copenhagen, we have learned from what others are doing and hopefully we have inspired each other to find new climate solutions.”

The Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors has indeed been a very special experience for Lord Mayor Bjerregaard of Copenhagen. As Commissioner for the EC she took part in the negotiations in Kyoto, so it has been wonderful for her to be able to host the Climate Summit for Mayors in Copenhagen. Half the world's population is now living in the cities and the number is rapidly growing. Cities around the world are responsible for up to 80 per cent of global CO2 emissions. All solutions for the climate challenges therefore have to involve active participation from the cities.

"I would like to thank all of you mayors for your strong commitment and your strength of purpose in turning Copenhagen into Hopenhagen. It is the first time ever that so many mayors from such important cities have gathered at a UN COP. It is the first time that we have been united in formulating our message to heads of state, in our call for them to seal the deal. And with this Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors, we have proved for the first time that through resolute cooperation between national and local governments and cities, we can reach a common goal: to combat global climate change.”