Deu na Imprensa - COP15 Mayors sign communique to show they mean business in mitigating climate change

The Copenhagen Voice - 15 December 2009

By Michael de Laine

More than 80 mayors from cities all over the world have signed a communique to show they mean business in mitigating climate change and at the same time call to leaders to reach agreement at the climate conference, COP15, in Copenhagen. Dozens of mayors from cities all over the world have signed a communique to show they mean business in mitigating climate change. At the Climate Summit for Mayors today, they also called to leaders to reach agreement at the UNFCCC climate conference, COP15, in Copenhagen.

The cities taking part at today's meeting represent almost 350 million people and one-sixth of the world's economy. They have an enormous potential for cuts in CO2 emissions and 3,222 reduction targets have been registered to day. Today they issued the Copenhagen Climate Communique “to send a strong and united message to national governments: seal the deal in Copenhagen and acknowledge internationally the pivotal role of cities in fighting climate change.”

Up to 75% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from urban areas. “We therefore must take and are taking responsibility for fighting climate change,” the mayors said in the communique. “As city leaders, we have joined together with a common purpose – to lead the way with the most ambitious policies, strategies, concrete initiatives and investments that will engage and benefit our citizens while creating a better future for our planet.”

Through collaboration, innovation, agreeing on ambitious targets and reducing emissions, the cities are showing that local climate initiatives are not only successful but also essential if national climate change strategies and targets are to succeed.

Source - The Copenhagen Voice  - By Michael de Laine - 15 December 2009