IndyCar should bring to São Paulo more than 30,000 tourists

The city is the number one in the Americas for international events

São Paulo will be a great world car racing center, as it is the only city to host both Formula 1 and Formula Indy competitions. And the city will keep this condition until, at least, 2014; agreements have already been signed between City Council and organizations, meaning a great value to Sao Paulo.

Only in 2010, IndyCar should bring to São Paulo more than 30,000 tourists, who will be able to visit the largest Brazilian city, a cultural center for large events. That is why São Paulo is the Brazilian hub for opportunities and is the number one in the Americas for international events, according to ICCA (International Congress & Convention Association). We expect to continue attracting these mega events, as
they foment tourism and generate income and jobs.

With 11,3 million tourists in the year, São Paulo is the city that hosts more visitors in Brazil and has been more and more attractive to tourists every day, due to both a full sport and culture and business schedules only found in São Paulo and city administration work, that has been improving the city, with measures like
Lei Cidade Limpa (Clean City Law) abolishing irregular advertising, reducing visual pollution and stimulating façade redesign. Today São Paulo is an example to many other cities in the world. This is our goal: Make the city even better for citizens and tourists.

About São Paulo Indy 300

Where : Anhembi is the home for São Paulo Indy 300. Circuit runs through Av. Olavo Fontoura, Marginal Tietê and Sambadrome track. Boxes, bleachers and seats are located in this area.

Mar.13 – Saturday
9am– 10:15am 1st free practice
12:30pm – 1:30pm 2nd free practice
3:30pm – 5pm qualifying race
Mar.14 - Sunday
9am – 9:30am Warm up
1pm – 4pm Race
Gates open at 7am
General entrance at gates 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 01, 03
 More informations:

Source: SPTuris